

QMG基金会正在寻找专门的志愿者司机来运送病人. This service will transport patients on an ADA golf cart from the QMG campus parking lots to various buildings on campus – all for free.

  • Volunteers must hold a current and valid driver’s license possess excellent vision and coordination for driving the golf carts.
  • 志愿者驾驶记录必须符合机动车记录标准.
    • As a precautionary measure all volunteers are required to go through training that includes HIPPA, BBP, 和个人防护装备培训. Training will be done on a laptop and take no longer than 1 hour (depending on the learner. 培训是必需的, which will cover topics and ensure understanding of each topic such as personal protective equipment (PPE), 血源性病原体暴露, HIPAA /保密, 以及应急预案. PPE是指设备(如手套), masks) designed to protect the wearer from injury or the spread of infection or illness.  Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms in human blood that can cause disease in humans (i.e. 艾滋病毒、肝炎).  HIPAA is a federal law that protects sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge.  最后, 紧急情况计划包括疏散路线, 如何减轻对患者和机构的风险, and detailed communication procedures to follow during and after a specific emergency occurs.
  • 服务时间为星期一至五上午8时至下午4时.
  • 招聘2-4小时轮班的志愿者.

如有兴趣,请联系摩根帕克- QMG基金会 217.222.6550 ext. 6436 或电子邮件 mparker@quincymedgroup.com.


视野 Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry needs volunteers to help with the daily preparation, 服务, 送餐服务. An hour of your time once or twice a month will make a great difference to the community in need. 呼叫地平线 217.224.5530.


Are you looking for a meaningful way to contribute to your community without overwhelming your schedule? 加入我们,成为成人识字导师! 每周只要1-2个小时, you can make a significant impact by helping adults enhance their essential literacy, 数学, 或英语语言能力. 与您附近或在线的学习者见面. 我们提供必要的培训, 资源, and materials; no prior teaching experience is required. 我们珍惜您的时间,理解您忙碌的生活方式. 我们提供灵活的志愿者工作时间,以满足您的空闲时间. 申请或提问联系蒂娜杰特,协调员的扫盲在 cjett@0662hao.com 或者通过呼叫 217.641.4153.

新闻 & 的观点

发请帖 volunteers gather at the Quincy Senior and Family Resource Center on the last Tuesday of each month to prepare the West Central Illinois Area Agency on Aging “新闻 & 邮寄意见书. The newsletter is mailed to 5,000 households in the six county area that WCIAAA serves. 有兴趣帮忙? 给回复邀请办公室打个电话 217.641.4961. 保持身体距离——应戴口罩.


友好来电者是一个志愿者的机会,可以在家里完成. Volunteers will make phone calls to individuals who have requested either a supportive/listening/social call or a safety and well-being call. 取决于你的时间和兴趣, 你可以一周打一两次电话,也可以一周打五天电话. 志愿者将接受培训. 该计划旨在帮助解决社会隔离和孤独问题. 志愿者将被匹配到一个人来打电话. 联系Barb Casady 217.641.4960 了解更多信息.


需要志愿接待. 职责包括问候和帮助来访者, 收取旅游门票及处理纪念品销售事宜. 提供全面的入职培训. 他们很灵活,所以志愿者可以随时工作. 有兴趣的请致电 217.224.6922 or 217.224.3688.


Would you be able to give an hour of your time once a month delivering a Meals on Wheels route? Not only is it a great way to learn more about the community but it is also a tangible way to help those in need. You might want to encourage a friend to go along—one person drives and the other person delivers—teamwork! If you aren’t able to deliver, please mention this need at your church or other organization. 提供MOW的过程是为了确保志愿者的安全. 呼叫 217-223-7904 了解更多信息或志愿服务.


加入一个伟大的志愿者团体,帮你订购食品杂货, 填写杂货订单, 和/或配送杂货订单! This is a 发请帖 program that helps older individuals who are unable to do their own grocery shopping remain in their homes for a longer period of time. A volunteer takes the orders by phone once a week on Mondays from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. 志愿购物者在周二早上7:30左右见面,10点左右结束. 给这些志愿者一份购物清单, 装满购物车, 然后把购物车推过收银台. If interested, volunteers may also deliver the groceries to the homes of those who have ordered. 如果你不能每周二都去的话, 如果你每个月都有一两个星期二的上午有空的话,不要让这些事情阻止你, 我们可以用你的好工作! 欲了解更多信息,请致电 217.641.4961 或电子邮件 nzulauf@0662hao.com.


This organization is trying to fill the “gap” between the number of diapers a child needs per month and the number of diapers a family can afford. It is working to eliminate this “gap” in our community by providing diapers to families in need. If you would like to volunteer to help wrap diapers, please contact Anita Hanke at 573-231-6202 or ahanke@co.adams.il.us 用于包装时间,日期和地点.


Volunteers must be tested every day they wish to volunteer as well as agree to wear a mask/face shield and eye protection, 比如护目镜, 当在单位和/或周围的居民.

  • Volunteers are needed to escort residents to the 伊利诺伊州退伍军人之家’s therapy building for appointments on Wednesdays. 志愿者必须能够推轮椅,步行到各个单位. Times vary depending on the appointment schedule and the number of residents that can be escorted by volunteers.
  • Volunteers are needed in the Welcome Corner on Tuesday afternoons from 1:00 – 3:00 PM to assist with accepting clothing donations, 协助居民的服装需求, 给要送去洗衣店的衣物贴上标签. 要求包括能够举起装满衣服的箱子和推手推车.

联系莎拉·科尔格罗夫,电话是 217.640.2260 or 莎拉.colgrove@illinois.政府 了解更多信息.


昆西社区剧院 is able to offer and perpetuate quality theatre entertainment and education 因为 我们志愿者的参与.  We value and appreciate the gifts of time and talent our volunteers share with QCT, 我们想邀请你成为我们志愿者大家庭的一员.  我们的一些机会包括:

  • 组织的服装
  • 分发演出海报
  • 扫描票
  • 检查审核员
  • 绘画
  • 制作
  • 引导

不需要经验.  If you are interested in sharing in the fun, please contact Volunteer Coordinator Alison Shafer (艾莉森.shafer@1 qct.org or 217.222.3209)或浏览我们的网页(1 qct.org).

If interested in any of these volunteer opportunities, please contact our office at 217.641.4961.


急需志愿者来挂衣服和其他物品. 你可以根据自己的需要工作时间. 联系旧货店,地址是 217.773.3888.


星期四需要志愿者进行布置,星期五分发食物. 每个月的第三个星期五在旧凡尔赛学校体育馆举行. 请拨打217与Doris联系.773.3773.


这两个组织都需要热爱缝纫的志愿者. 联系回复办公室的凯西,地址是 217.641.4146.

在山的回复办公室. 英镑

We are collecting clean plastic bags to make mats for sleeping bags for the homeless. We have ladies that cut them into strips, roll into balls, and then crochet or knit them into mats. 这有助于保持睡袋干燥. 你可以把他们带到山上. 英镑办公室,每天早上8点到下午5点.


Volunteers wanted to clean, help set up displays, and sort items that are loaned or donated. 他们每个月都有工作日/晚上. 他们还在找人对退伍军人进行视频采访. 联系Richard Michel: 217.248.2094 或者鲍勃·诺里斯 217.491.5146.


位于北纬340度. 伊利诺斯州圣. 在皮茨菲尔德. This group of volunteers does living history presentations to schools and civic organizations. They utilize clothing and equipment from the time of the Revolutionary War to present day. 寻找有兴趣参与历史活动的人, 研究军用车辆, or presenting first- or second-hand military stories to schools or civic organizations. 请联系丹尼·多德 217.242.1706杰夫·斯奈德 573.406.2510理查德·斯蒂克曼 217.248.1856.


需要志愿者和食物捐赠. 志愿者应在每周二下午4:30-6:30到场.m. 或者周五早上8点半开始.m. 给你一个任务. 每个月的第二个星期一, 他们可以让人在12:30或1:00左右帮拖车卸货. 请与凯西·杨联系 217.257.0004 有问题吗?.

东区卫生 & 康复中心

志愿者希望在每周一和周四下午2点协助进行每周一次的BINGO游戏. They also would like help with the monthly birthday parties held for the residents. 联系Gabby Buffington,活动主管 217.285.4491 自愿或索取更多信息.


寻找志愿者拜访居民,玩游戏,和/或提供音乐. 如有任何问题请联系洛莉·布拉德肖 217.833.2369.



  • 跑腿护送病人到科室
  • 事件的援助
  • 室外景观美化/美化/清理
  • 食品分发处
  • 浇灌/照料室内植物
  • 在核磁共振和骨科的日子里,女服务员在候诊室
  • 清洁(医院高接触表面) & 健身)
  • 为肿瘤科制作毛毯.

To be a volunteer at Illini, there are some requirements before becoming a volunteer. 如有兴趣,请与Shelly Martin联系 217.285.2113 ext. 3800.


Looking for volunteers for all types of activities as well as BINGO prizes of all kinds (no glass items, 请). 建议是人造珠宝, 女性和男性的身体喷雾, 洗发水, 护发素, 乳液, 单词搜索, 适合所有年龄的书籍, 笔记本电脑, 工艺供应. 请给Melissa Sevier打电话 217.285.5200.


需要志愿者送餐上门. 他们还需要有人每周送冷冻食品回家. 康妮·莱奇,217号.285.6150将有更多的消息.